By Book

The Significance of Spiritual Ingestion


Dearly beloved,

As God’s children, once born again of the spirit of God, we are given the ‘baby life of Christ Jesus’ like babies.  If they are properly fed with pure milk and pure food, the law of life will automatically grow them in the time to be a child, a teen and ultimately an adult.  On the other hand, if you do not feed the babies with proper food or milk on the daily basis, they will get to be sickly and may become very unhealthy and may run into the danger of the cessation of life or death in the long run of starvation or malnourishment of food.

Likewise, if you feed the baby with food mix with gravel of lies or contamination from the wrong teaching of the false prophets, it can do more harm than good that cause the baby to be spiritually sick and prevent proper and healthy spiritual growth and its development.  It is for this reason, it is best for you to read the Bible the ‘Holy menu’ for yourself thoroughly and diligently, so that you would not be guided wrongly.  Meanwhile, it is very important for you to fellowship in a church where there is a genuine servant of a living God that preaches the truth to help you grow, instead of stifling your spiritual system, when you receive the spiritual toxin of false teaching.  If you are unsure where to fellowship, wait before the Lord and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you.  The Holy Spirit will manifest His disapproval when you do not feel peaceful within your heart and vice versa.  So be attentive to the presence of the divine peace within your heart at all times, as it acts as your ‘compass’ to your spiritual journey. By the same token, the moment you do not feel peaceful, be aware of the presence of the spiritual enemy and its trap that include the wrong teaching from the false prophets or teachers etc.

Nonetheless, going to church is to fellowship with the body of Christ the believers, while coming before the throne of grace is to fellowship with God, the head of the church Himself (read John 1:3).  Obviously, it is very important for you to first fellowship with the God, by daily reading God’s words and praying every morning.  Then, be sure to fellowship with the genuine believers and beware of false churches or teachers or false prophets, since we are living in the end times where there are proliferation of false teachings!

Finally, please listen to these messages that are spoken by the Holy Spirit using my voice, so that you will begin to comprehend the truth.  Just like studying complex math or calculus, you cannot learn the truth in a day, or two, right?  It takes many messages for you to begin learning the ‘baby step’ until you comprehend the truth of the word of God.  So, please be patient to listen to these spiritual formulas, just like math, you have to learn basic arithmetic, multiplication and many more before learning the complex calculus.

Last but not least, when we ingest the truth of God’s words by listening through ‘the Holy Bible preaching’, the ‘solid meat’ has the power to grow you, strengthen you and equip you to battle against the ferocious onslaught of our spiritual enemies.  The solid words of Jesus our Lord, when it is well received, understood and live out, has the power to sanctify the born again believers to live a lifestyle of absolute victory over sins, the devil and death.  Together with the assistance of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, we will ultimately be set free from the enslaving power of sins, carnality and be transformed into His image!

Prayerfully yours, His servant

Rosy Chao

Dear friend,

This website will be constantly adding new messages from time to time until 'through the Holy Bible web' is completed.


What is the Bible all about

How do I begin to study my Bible 


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