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*If you have received spiritual edification through this ministry, please do not hesitate to send us your letter, so that others can also benefit from your testimonies.

*Also, please ‘trumpet’ this website to others, as the Lord touches your heart, in order for precious souls to enter the kingdom of Heaven, as the 2nd coming of our Lord Jesus is at hand.

*All letters sent to us for your testimonies will be shared with others and posted in this website to glorify our Heavenly Father and deeply appreciated, as our note of thank you in response to all of your email.

The origin of this website

Dearly beloved,

As a servant of a living God, the voice of the Lord came to me, as I returned from my early missionary trip from Indonesia.  It was in the ‘wee-hours’ super early in the morning that I came into the wilderness sometime in the Jan 2016 this year, that the voice of the Risen Saviour through the presence of the Holy Spirit began to unveil His plan to me.  The living wheel referring to God’s words was opened on Isaiah 40 verse 3 that instructed me as follows:

The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”

This instruction to do the work of John the Baptist that include preaching in the wilderness was crystal clear.  The voice of the Holy Spirit had instructed me to prepare the ‘spiritual food’ of Noah’s ark as the coming of our Lord Jesus is very soon and that precious souls must enter into His kingdom through the preaching in the wilderness, the work of John the Baptist.  Furthermore, the Holy Spirit had indicated that these preaching and teaching of the scripture are for the redeem, the very elect of God as the word of God opened on Isaiah 35 verse 8, 9, 10 that write as follows:

“And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.  No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk thereAnd the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”

As I obeyed the Holy Spirit to preach in the wilderness, my spiritual eyes were opened by the Lord to witness the absolute truth of God’s words and the ferocious battle of the spiritual world.  As I was led in the spirit, just like prophet Daniel or Ezekiel, the ferocious battle from the power of darkness took place every single day attacking me and my family.  Legions of demons that include the spirit of doubt, the spirit of confusion, the spirit of discouragement, the spirit of fornication, the spirit of error etc. began to converge in my house brought through my husband’s body.  As my husband worked in a major company, the demons from his work place began to station in his body and I did not realize that talking to my husband prior to preaching transmitted these filthy spirits onto the divine work of preaching in the wilderness.  At first, the Holy spirit had instructed me to sanctify myself by not talking to no one or go to crowded places, while doing the divine preaching that took place in the wilderness.  The reason is simple:  the Holy Spirit has unveiled that spiritual contamination can be transmitted like the flu virus onto the human body through contact such as talking etc.  Then, as I did not listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, I spent time talking to my husband prior to preaching in one afternoon.  As I went to preach in my room alone, all of a sudden my spiritual eyes were opened to the power of holiness of God’s word.  God’s word acts like a bright light that is so holy that as I began to preach and read God’s words, the demons about 15 of them began to fly out from the Holy word of God, one by one as I preached the word of God loudly.  Personally, it was shocking to me to discover how powerful and Holy the word of Jesus and the Holy Bible is.  The next day, as I spoke to my husband who got defile spiritually and brought these demons from his office, I experienced the same thing again; and this time 7 of them began to fly out as I preached the ‘Divine word of God’!  There were many more such attack as the Holy spirit took over my body in order to fill me and preach the word of God so as to prepare these ‘spiritual manna’ for God’s people.

Nonetheless, my dearly beloved, may you patiently listen to these precious and powerful messages from the Lord through my voice.  May you experience the power of the Holy Spirit as you hear these preaching so that you will receive spiritual nourishment, growth and spiritual healing of His absolute divine peace and joy as you purchase the flask of oil of the 5 wise virgins (read Matthew 25) and discover for yourself the power of transformation through the voice of the Risen Saviour in these preaching, testimonies, sacred hymns etc.

May we give glory and praises once again to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit for what He has done for His children.  Amen.


Prayerfully yours, His servant

Rosy Chao