
The Gift of Sacred Music


Dearly beloved,

This morning, I shall share with you in regard to the topic of sacred music. First and foremost, sacred music is different from the worldly music, simply because they entail hymns and spiritual songs that are sung in praises unto our Lord God.  For that reason, the Apostle Paul writes in Colossians 3 verse 16 as follow:

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

Secondly, the great difference between sacred music and the worldly music lies in the very fact that they were written by the fully grown Saints that were filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit, permitting the Holy Spirit to write the truth of the words of God, through the gift of music that was given unto them.  Hence, together with the abundant life of Christ, the gifted Saints were able to imprint their spiritual journey experiences in the form of sacred music. As a result, these gifted hymn writers were able to write sacred hymns and spiritual songs that would edify the body of Christ referring to all genuine born again believers, so as to receive spiritual strength and encouragement in their day to day battle against our spiritual enemy, as we sing these sacred hymns in our lips.

However, I must remind you my dearly beloved of the days we are living in.  Without question, we are living in the verge of end times whereby we must realize that prior to the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, not only we have diluted, confused and false gospels, the power of darkness also has infiltrated in what I call the “confused sacred music” that has been so badly contaminated to look like the world, that defile “the table of the Lord” as written in Malachi chapter 1 verse 7.  Instead of godly sacred music, we have the proliferation of ungodly and worldly Christian-Rock music, contemporary gospel music sung by the rock group as well as even the heavy metal-Christian music etc.  Such diversion and confusion of the sacred music has infiltrated many churches today and obviously, we know that all of these so-called gospel music does not come from the Holy Spirit but rather our spiritual enemy, the devil.  The reason is simple, satan our enemy is a liar and a destroyer that always negate our Lord God continuously, attacking God’s children by giving them not only false gospels but also “false sacred music”.  Mark my word!

It is for this reason that the Apostle Paul instructs us as follows:

“I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  And be not conformed to this world:   but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”

(Romans 12: 1, 2)

Nonetheless, I would like to sing and share with you these sacred hymns, so that you can learn “the truth of the gospel of Christ” through these sacred hymns, in order to edify you spiritually as you permit God’s words to come through your heart, your lips as well as your mind.  As we sing these sacred hymns, not only we uplift the Holy Spirit by walking in the spirit, we would also capture our thought processes in God’s words.  Furthermore, apart from praising God, sacred music is able to sanctify us through ‘the truth’ as we turn our eyes upon Jesus, our lovely Saviour and Master.

Finally, my dearly beloved, may we sing these sacred hymns daily with a heart of joy and thanksgiving unto our Lord as we constantly abide in Him by remembering His words and through ‘the gift of Sacred Music’!

Prayerfully yours, His servant

Rosy Chao