
The importance of testimonies


Dearly beloved,

It is such a joy to witness for our Lord and Master Jesus Christ in the form of testimonies.  Testimonies are the living proofs that the word of God, the Holy Bible is absolutely true and that our Lord Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!  Amen.

One of the most powerful tool to combat the unbelieving world through the spirit of unbelief from our spiritual enemy is witnessing the reality of Jesus Christ and His words through the thousands of testimonies, that when compile together, even ‘the whole world would not be able to contain them’, just as the Apostle John writes.  Take for example, brother George Mueller from England, a Saint who lived approximately in the era of 1850, had recorded in his life 50,000 (fifty thousand) answered prayers alone.  As for me, I have uncountable testimonies myself that I did not personally count them.  So is Dr John Sung a powerful evangelist in China and my spiritual teacher Miss Ester Wang who was imprisoned for 20 years for Christ in China as well as uncle Dong, my other spiritual teacher who was also imprisoned in China for 20 years for Christ and others.

Testimonies are the 2nd requirement to overcome satan our spiritual enemy as recorded in Revelation chapter 12 as follows:

“And they overcome him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

May these testimonies be ‘an encourager’ in your walk with the Lord and ‘an eye opener’ for your spiritual comprehension so that you would come to genuinely repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.  Furthermore, these testimonies merely prove that Jesus Christ is not a religion but rather a relationship with the presence of the Holy Spirit.  May you experience the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in your life, as you choose to genuinely believe in Him and open your heart to confess each and every one of your sins before the Lord God Himself.

Finally, my dearly beloved, may the Lord richly bless you through these testimonies and remember that the Lord God that we worship will never fail us, no matter what we go through and where we are.  Always deeply imprinting in our heart that God is a merciful Heavenly Father who is always faithful unto his own children.  Last but not least, the Lord God is our Jehovah Jireh, which means He will always provide our needs, so long as we thank and praise Him!  Just as my spiritual teacher Miss Ester Wang always reminded me frequently that:

“I am not able but God is able!”


Prayerfully yours, His servant

Rosy Chao

The Testimony of Budi: (an excerpt from the preaching of John chapter 1)

How he was born again of the spirit of God and delivered from 3 black demons

The testimony of Dr Hsu: (an excerpt from the preaching of Luke chapter 19 verse 1 to 10)

How he was healed from his terminal liver cancer and brought to Christ

The testimony of Rosy Chao: (an excerpt from the preaching of Matthew chapter 10 verse 24 to 42)

The birth of Isaac my son

The testimony of Miss Esther Wang, my spiritual teacher: (an excerpt from the preaching of Matthew chapter 25 verse 1 to 13)

The trials of her 20 years of imprisonment

The testimony of Rosy Chao: (an excerpt from the preaching of Psalm chapter 34)

How God provided my financial needs and a new car miraculously

The story of a Japanese farmer and the Korean preacher: (an excerpt from the preaching of Corinthians chapter 13)

How they manifest genuine love of Jesus to others

The testimony of Mr Anton, my father: (an excerpt from the preaching of Daniel chapter 6)

A journey unto Salvation

The testimony of a sister in Christ: (an excerpt from the preaching of Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 13 to 16)

How she was saved on the last minute through the voice of Holy Spirit

The testimony of Rosy Chao: (an excerpt from the preaching of 1st Samuel chapter 17)

God's financial provision at the city of San Jose

The testimony of Dr. John Sung: (an excerpt from the preaching of Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 13 to 16)

How the Holy Spirit work mightily through his preachings

The testimony of Rosy Chao: (an excerpt from the preaching of 1st Samuel chapter 17)

Business appointment at the city of Turlock

The testimony of Iwen Chao: (an excerpt from the preaching of 1st Samuel chapter 17)

God's prophecy and answer to prayers for working at Intel

The testimony of uncle Titus Dong: (an excerpt from the preaching of John chapter 12)

Imprison 20 years in China for Christ

The testimony of the Chinese rich man: (an excerpt from the preaching of Luke chapter 12)

How he was saved through his bankruptcy

The testimony of Pastor Sumber: (an excerpt from the preaching of John chapter 6)

How our Lord Jesus saved and delivered him from the black magic

The testimony of God's deliverance: (an excerpt from the preaching of Ephesians chapter 6)

The ferocious battle during the missionary trip to Jakarta, Indonesia

The testimony of Rosy Chao: (an excerpt from the preaching of John chapter 12)

The UPS miracle

The testimony of Rosy Chao: (an excerpt from the preaching of John chapter 12)

Sending UPS General Manager my way

The testimony of Mrs Ellyanna, my mother: (an excerpt from the preaching of Matthew chapter 5 verse 33 to 48)

How she was saved from her Buddhist religion and come to Christ through my 28 years of prayers

The Testimony of Ian McCormak: (an excerpt from the preaching of John chapter 1)

How he died, went to Hell and went up to Heaven to meet our Lord and came back in his body to witness for Jesus as a missionary

The testimony of a Pastor's wife: (an excerpt from the preaching of Matthew chapter 4 verse 1 to 10)

How her church was delivered from the Tsunami in Sumatra, Indonesia through her vision

The testimony of Dr. Pauline Hamilton: (an excerpt from the preaching of Luke chapter 19 verse 1 to 10)

How the Lord save her from her tragic suicide attempt and brought her to Christ

The testimony of George Mueller: (an excerpt from the preaching of John chapter 10 verse 1 to 18 and 25 to 30)

The Breakfast miracle

The testimony of Dr. John Sung: (an excerpt from the preaching of Matthew chapter 25 verse 14 to 29)

How he healed more than 1000 that are blind, lame, deaf and bedridden