


Dearly beloved and friends in the Christ Jesus,

Greeting you in the name of our Lord Jesus.  First and foremost, I would like to welcome you to this website, for you have come to the House of the Lord.  It is here that you shall hear the voice of the Risen Savior through my preaching and many testimonies etc.  It is my deepest desire that you truly would be born again of the spirit of God as you hear my preaching, so that you become a genuine child of a living God as you receive the Holy Spirit through my preaching, teaching and instructions, both written as well as in the audio format.

For those who have not believe in Jesus, may I petition for you to read: How To Believe section, in order to know how to accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior and be born again of the Holy Spirit.  Also if you are not sure about your salvation, you may also read and begin in that section or proceed to Testimonies first.  Please be patient to listen to all of these preaching before you decide to quit on Jesus.  I would like to guarantee you that our Lord Jesus Christ is very much alive today and I have thousands of testimonies to prove to you that the Holy Bible is absolutely true!  However, just like owning a car, you need a key before you can drive the car, isn’t it?  And the key lies in the presence of the Holy Spirit that will indwell in our heart, the moment we are born again of the Spirit of God. Once you are born again, you will know of His presence as He is sent by our Lord Jesus to be our comforter, instructor and advocate etc.  Personally, the Holy Spirit speaks to me every day through his voices, visions and dreams etc.  I am going to give you this free key to you if you genuinely would like to know the truth about what life is all about!  Life is not just: be born, to go to school, be married, raise children, earn money and ultimately die!  Life would be pathetic if that is all there is to it.  Praise God for His words as written in the Scripture.  The Holy Bible is the only book in the whole world that tells us: where we come from, why we are here and where we are going! There is for certainty eternal damnation after death for those who do not believe in Jesus, who is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords who died in the cross on our behalf in order to pay all of our sin debt in full.  The reason is simple, He gave His life because He loves us so much.

My dear friends, please listen very carefully to these preaching and teaching instructions before you say no to “Eternal Life” that is absolutely free to you even though it costs Jesus His life.  Remember you do not bump into this website by chance, but rather God who loves you so much and sends you to this website to hear His own words.  Keep in mind, if you refuse to accept Jesus, you will face eternal Lake of Fire forever and ever as you have to pay your own sin debt by yourself as God is a Merciful and yet a Just God!  May I plea with you to listen carefully to all the preaching as how to accept the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior, and then once you are born again, you can proceed to listen to the other preaching.

For Genuine Born Again Believers:

Dearly beloved, we are living in the verge of the end times where our Lord Jesus Christ return is at hand.  There are all kinds of false doctrine and teaching in many churches today that comes from satan who masquerade himself in the forms of all kinds of religions as well as Christian denominations, heresies etc.  The proliferation of all kinds of water-down gospel such as social-gospel and confused- gospel with Rock-Christian music, plus heresies such as Mormons and Jehovah witness etc, only manifest what the Apostle Paul mentioned as the Great Apostasy or Falling Away of the churches as written in 2nd Thessalonians 2:3.  This is the fulfilment of the prophecy that mark the second coming of our Savior Lord Jesus Christ.

Furthermore, it is scary to know the massive numbers of churches are preaching doctrine that are of “Easy Believism” that are far from the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  However, as the work of satan ferociously attack the truth of the gospel of Christ as well as the churches, we must strive to equip ourselves and battle against the onslaught of enemies by putting on the armor of God that include understanding in the absolute truth from the Scripture.  Ultimately, once we are born again of the Spirit of God, we are instructed to continue to grow until we arrive at the image of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:28-29), in order to qualify to be the 5 wise virgins (Matthew 25) that are ready to meet our master.  Anything less than the narrow path of the cross is but a false gospel, isn’t it?  For after all, the truth of the gospel of Christ is after victorioursness and godliness, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love (Ephesians 1:4).  However, this truth is missing in many churches today as they take after worldliness instead of godliness.  Nevertheless, my dearly beloved, the Lord has instructed me to “feed my sheep and my lamb”, so as to feed them with the truth of God’s words that have the power to transform our mind from thousands of lies of satan unto the truth of God’s words, that ultimately permit the Holy Spirit to bloom the abundant life of Christ in our life, as we are being transform and conform unto His image by bearing the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit that include Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness and Temperance (Galatians 5:22-23).

May you patiently listen to these preaching and teaching so as to grow in the spirit until we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13).

In the meantime, please forward this website to others, so that precious souls would be saved as we labor together in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for His kingdom.

Last but not least, let us give thanks and praises unto our Lord Jesus our Savior and give glory to the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit for the riches of His grace and mercy unto us all! Amen.


Prayerfully Yours, His servant

Evangelist Rosy Chao

Sacramento, California



Please Note:  For Indonesian translation, please visit our website at www.alkitabsuci.org